Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the process of creating organic content and optimizing existing content. This is in order to drive traffic to your website or content. It differs from things like PPC and search ads because SEO doesn’t have a direct cost in its positioning. It’s dependent on the quality of the content and how well optimized it is.

Why Search Engine Optimization is Crucial to Online Marketing Success

SEO is critical to your online marketing strategy. SEO takes time and effort and will require updates and adaptability to maintain success. One of the main ideas for SEO is that content is king, and optimizing that content to appear as high as possible on the search engine results pages is key. You want to ensure that you get potential customers to find and come back to your business, giving them quality content over time is a proven method in accomplishing that goal.

SEO’s place in digital marketing ensures a website’s visibility to potential customers. A well-optimized website gains higher ranks in SERPs, increasing traffic, brand credibility, and potential conversions. SEO delivers sustainable results at a comparatively lower cost than traditional ads.