302 Redirect

  • 302 Redirect: A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect that sends users and search engines to a different URL than the one they originally requested. Unlike a 301 redirect, a 302 redirect does not pass on the SEO value of the original page to the redirected page. It’s used when a webpage is under maintenance or temporarily moved, but the original page’s content is expected to be available again in the future.
image displaying what a temporary 302 redirect is. Similar to 301 redicrect image, shows two yellow road signs with text. Left sign reads: YourURL.com. Right sign reads: YourTemporaryURL.com.

Use of a 302 Redirect in Buffalo Marketing

302 redirects are not as common as 301 redirects, but they still can be important for digital marketers in specific situations. For example, if a marketer is running a time-sensitive campaign and needs to temporarily redirect traffic to a specific landing page, a 302 redirect would be appropriate. However, it’s important to note that a 302 redirect does not pass SEO value to the new page, so it’s not recommended for long-term use.